
Ludhiana: Gagan Bedi elected Dist Bar Body Vice boss, President of the President on ice

February 28, 2025 10:48 p.m.

According to sources, five candidates who were contested for the president's post, six for Vice President, four for secretaries, three for shared secretary

Lawyer Gagan Bedi was elected as the new Vice President of District Bar Association (DBA) after the elections held on Friday. However, the official announcement of the President's result was delayed on the basis of a pending examination. Himanshu Walia won the seat of the Secretary General.

Members of the District Bar Association in Ludhiana on Friday. (Manish/ht)

The lawyer of returning officer, the lawyer Lokesh Bata, said that during the election process, during the election process, the result of the President was officially declared after the examination of Advocate Vipin Saggar.

According to the available information, Advocate Saggar received an important lead with 1,749 votes for the post of the president, while his closest competitor, lawyer Gurpreet Arora, received 404 votes.

Bedi emerged as the winner with 993 votes. Bata said the election process was peaceful and without disturbances.

According to sources, five candidates who were contested for the position of the president, six for Vice President, four for secretaries, three for the joint secretary, three for financial secretary and 13 for executive members.

The newly elected team will soon accept an office and concentrate on improving working conditions for supporters and dealing with questions from the legal brotherhood in the district court complex.

Previously, Bata Advocate Saggar had disqualified from the president's election of the election of the President after receiving a complaint against him because he allegedly violated the rules of the Rules Council. After this step, there were widespread resentment among the lawyers, and later a special committee of the Punjab and Haryana lawyers had lifted the Order of the Bata and rejected the candidacy of the lawyer.
