
Mahnwache Honors Mother and daughter killed in the House of Fire of the North Philadelphia fire

Philadelphia (WPVI) – Teddy bears, balloons and candles surround a house in the 3000 block of the North 4th Street in North Philadelphia.

Firefighters said that Frances Colon and her 6-year-old daughter Jasmine Flores tragically lost their lives on Friday morning.

Colon's son, 8-year-old Elmer Flores, remains in extremely critical condition.

“I can't even sleep. I think of you every day,” said Elizer Gonzalez.

Elizer Gonzalez is Colon's friend.

Gonzalez said he brought the children he treated as his own to the bathroom to protect them from the flames.

“They were good people,” said Gonzalez. “They were all good people. My children, my girl. When my children grew up, they would help everyone.”

Family and friends gathered on Saturday evening to honor mother and daughter.

Members of the Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club say that the stables are the second home of the family.

“They came. They had fun. They enjoyed each other every day,” said Darrin Ferrell, Vice President of the Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club. “We are broken. I heard the news. I cried for hours. The children. We love these children.”

Gonzalez thanked the community for their overwhelming support and would like Colon and Flores to know: “I love all of you and you were the best family I've ever had in my life.”

The fireman examines the cause of the fire, but Gonzalez believes that space heating has triggered the fire.

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