Lisle, IL – The residents of Lisle can get a lead at spring cleaning by unloading recyclable objects at a sustainable event on Saturday, which is planned for March 15 at Benediktine University.
Below you will find a list of elements that will be accepted at the free event that takes place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Electronic objects
- Books and viny running drawings
- Large batteries and household batteries
- Functioning bicycles and bicycle devices
- Paint
- Holiday lights
- Clothing
- Musical instruments
- Paper
- foam
Some recyclable items can contain a fee. The residents can pay in cash or on the map and can pay in advance by clicking on this link. The fees are listed below:
- TV: 25 to 35 US dollars
- Batteries ($ 4 per pound)
- Latex color (1 USD per liter, $ 3 per gallon, $ 15 for 5 gallons)
- Smoke detectors (each $ 1)
- Aerosoldoses (each $ 1)
- Propant tanks (3 US dollars each)
The sustainable event on Saturday is expected to have a major turnout on Saturday, according to the Lisle village's website. As a result, the event is closed early when it reaches the capacity.
Sustainable Saturday takes place on the Rice Center car park at Benedictine University. Cars have to use the entrance in the Maple Avenue.
What: Sustainable Saturday
When: March 15 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: Benedictine University, 5700 College Rd., Lisle