
Mama got together with son to attack alleged bullying on the bus: cops

Mobile radio video allegedly shows Lata Hentz, who attacks an 8th grade in a school bus on March 6, 2025 (WTTV/YouTube).

A mother of Indiana, who claims that she was fed up with the fact that her son was bullied to school in his bus trips, is accused of facing the suspected tormented of the boy and attacking her child, saying the 13-year-old that he should say his Aaaaaaa children, in response to the “ongoing bullying situation,” said the police.

“I will tear it up,” Lata Hentz, 36, is accused of telling a bus load of children on March after being stormed on the bus with her son and daughter in teenage. COPS say that cell phone film material, which was preserved by the local Fox partner WXIN, contains audio and video of the incident, which was originally shared on Facebook.

“Would someone want to be active?” Hentz supposedly asks the children.