
Man arrested and accused of having started a 20 hectare fire near the gods of the gods

Colorado Springs, Colorado (KKTV) – On Thursday evening, a man was arrested in connection with a 20 hectare fire that was triggered near the gods.

The police said 48-year-old Adam Gilmour was in custody and is charged with the fourth degree in connection with the fire for arson.

The police said they had received a 9-1-1 call for the fire. According to reports, this caller said that she saw the person who may be responsible for this fire because they flee out of the area. The firefighters of the police and in Colorado Springs were sent to the area.

When the crews fought against the fire, the police noticed potential evidence and protected the evidence until investigators and civil servants were on site. The police said they were then able to find the original point for this fire and found an apparently provisional campsite.

This suspect, Gilmour, was then identified in a nearby area and taken into custody.

He was instructed in the El Paso County Justice Center for other non -related crimes and pass together with the new indictment for arson and offenses of narcotics.

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Adam Gilmour was arrested.(CSFD / CSPD)