
Man is suing Sports Commission for Chiefs Parade shooting

MONTH. Lisa Lopez Galvan was killed. One of the men shot on it. This rally has a hard time supporting his family. KMBC Nine Andy Alcock receives answers to possible help. He is currently alive at the Union Station. Andy Brya James Lemons knows that he is very happy tonight to be alive. He was at the Chiefs Parade when he said that he was hit by a ball into the background of the leg when he carried his five -year -old daughter Kinsley on his shoulders. He says doctors told him that Bullet had only missed his thigh artery in his muscle. If this artery had been hit, his life could have been seriously at risk. The ball is still in the leg and it has to be operated on to remove it. But not able to work and without insurance, he cannot afford it. James tells us that he and his family lent family, friends, friends, friends and set up a gofundme page. It was a hard street, do you know? I mean, I tried to find ways to deal with the mental problems that my daughter is going through and found out how to deal with the money and everything else. The KC Strong Fund, set up for the victims, collected almost 1.5 million US dollars. A spokeswoman for Greater United Way or Greater United Way by Greater Kansas City tells us that the process has not yet been completed to determine who is entitled to this funds and will probably take about a month before these funds are handed over. Reporting on Live Outside Union Station Andy Alcock. KMBC Nine News. Andy, thank you again. The United Way Board Meeting is set for Thursday, where members talk about opportunities to distribute the money. The United Way is

Sacrifice of Chiefs Parade shoot outside the Union Station Files Laws

A man who was injured in the mass shooting after the Super Bowl victory by Kansas City Chiefs in 2024 has filed a lawsuit against the Greater Kansas City Sports Commission, in which the liability of negligence and premises claimed. A person and 23 others were injured by the shootout, including 11 children. The lawsuit is argued that the Commission did not control entry points, weapon demonstrations and a visible presence for safety regulations that have suspended the participants foreseeable damage. The lawsuit claims that the commission had violated its duty of care and has been requested by damage to damages and damages and compensation plants, which claims damage.

A man who was injured in the mass shooting after the Super Bowl victory by Kansas City Chiefs in 2024 has filed a lawsuit against the Greater Kansas City Sports Commission, in which liability for negligence and premises claimed.

James Lemons, who was shot into the leg outside of the Union during the event on February 14, claims that the Commission had not carried out any reasonable security measures despite the known risks of large public meetings and increasing arms in the city.

The shootout left one person and 23 more injured, including 11 children.

It argues in the lawsuit that the Commission has not provided controlled entry points, weapon demonstrations and a visible safety presence and suspended the participants foreseeable damage.

The lawsuit claims that the Commission has violated its duty of care and claims damages for physical and emotional ailments, medical expenses and compensation.

A legal proceedings were requested.