
Man who was arrested in connection with Pala, Lilac Fires – NBC 7 San Diego

The investigators of Cal Fire announced on Saturday that they arrested a man in connection with the forest fires of Pala and Lilac, which began on January 21.

According to a press release, Ruben Vasquez was arrested on Friday for two charges for arson and brought to the Vista at home. Cal Fire did not deliver Vasquez 'old age or residence.

According to the district's website, the 48-year-old Ruben Vasquez is held in the Vista liability facility for suspicion of two charges for arson forest land.

According to the sheriff's office, its deposit was set to 500,000 US dollars.

Vasquez is to be charged on Tuesday, March 4th.

Both blazes started 25 minutes near the Interstate 15 and the State Route 76 in the areas of Pala Mesa and Bonsall, said Cal Fire Officers.

“Together they burned almost 100 acres and initiated evacuations that affect hundreds of residents,” said Cal Fire Officers. “Witness reports and investigations led to the identification of Vasquez as a suspect.”

According to reports from the City News Service in January, the non -injured flames under the conditions for Gusty Santa Ana broke out.

On January 21, the purple Feuer spread shortly after 12:30 p.m. on the Lilac Road near the Old Highway 395, while the Pala fire broke out in an open area west of Interstate 15 near Canonita Drive and Old Highway 395 in Pala Mesa to Cal Fire.

An investigation report will be transferred to the district prosecutor, said Cal Fire.

Cal Fire said that arson investigations are “complex and require a thorough recording, scene examinations and witness interviews that can be time -consuming”.

Cal fire brigade people said that they appreciated the support and patience of the public during the investigation and thanked the Sheriff's office, the North County Fire Protection District, the US CONTROL and border protection and the public prosecutor of the San Diego district.