
Mannford residents save what is left after the fire of houses | News

Mannford, Okla. – Three days after the fires in Mannford, homeowners, families and first aiders do their best to save what they can do after the fire on Friday.

Kay Bartley had the first home to move from Old Mannford to today's Greenbriar in Mannford.

After the fires on Friday, her home is no longer at home.

“I thought no, it would go. Fit. But it didn't.”

Bartley said what her home was full of generation memories.

“It's devastating. My husband and I built it and our daughters and grandchildren and now our great-grandchildren and our great-grandchildren lived and raised.”

Bartley said she had no idea how bad things would be.

“It was like every other day. I didn't know that something was going on because I was busy folding clothes and washing clothes, so I was in my bedroom and I didn't give it to the news or anything else until everyone came in and they said that they evacuated Mannford. I just didn't know what to think.”

Bartley and her family got out as soon as possible and only saved what they thought was important.

“It is devastating. It is incredible. It really looks more like a tornado than anything else because it sprayed around. Lose two or three houses and then jump. Then he beats two or three and then jumps.”

In the neighborhood of Greenbriar, some houses are completely destroyed, while the house next door looks untouched.

Bartley's great -granddaughter Gracie Horner spoke about her memories in the house.

“If you go this path, there is actually a cave and it was like a second living room. Every morning we spent most of our time with Nana and dad to watch films and cartoons.”

Horner described the moment when her family evacuated.

“When we went out of the front door, the boat started and we made it out and got out as soon as possible and we only knew that it would be gone … It was definitely so surreal.

Now they are sitting through the debris to find a little rescue.

“It will take many days out here by trying to see if we can save something, but we are just glad that everyone has made it safe,” said Horner. “All animals made it safe, but [my Nana’s] Blessed that she has a lot of family with whom she can stay and we take care of her. “

If you want to donate to Bartley and your family, you have posted a Gofundme here.

You can also help the family by buying an article from your Amazon wish list by clicking here.

If you or someone you know has a house that was affected by the fire, the United States postal service holds posts and packages in the physical building in Mannford.