
Manntra Fild Fissen Ableine Single Single “Heart of the Storm” + Lyric Video

Photo loan: Franz Scheper / Marko Ristić

Croatian folk metal warrior Man Experience exciting times! The Volksrocker D'Aragnan is currently supporting the Dark Side of the Moon on a European tour, and today they unleash their latest single “The heart of the storm”. With an urgent, melodic, acoustic feeling, Volks -inspired background singing and an unforgettable groovy choir, this track captures the fight for freedom and the rebirth in the middle of the chaos. “The heart of the storm” is another powerful example of Manntra's characteristic fusion of traditional Balkan influences and energetic metal.

The track comes from its eagerly awaited 8th studio album, TitanThis Friday, March 14, 2025, will be published on Napalm Records. By reinforcing the rich inheritance of the old Balkan folklore with violent intensity, Mannra has created a pronounced legacy on seven mighty albums and electrifying appearances at renowned festivals such as Wacken Open Air. From commanding headlines to parts of stadiums with legends like in Extremo, the band arrested its status as an impressive force in the global metal scene.

Mannra is prepared to strengthen your assertion of the folk metal throne by unleashing Titan In the world in 2025!

Mannra on the new single “The heart of the storm” “Prepare yourself to be consumed by the raw strength and the relentless intensity of 'Heart of the Storm', a melodic metal anthem that brings you deep into the heart of darkness. This track unleashes an electrifying storm of blasty guitar riffs, throbbing drums and urgently beautiful melodies that combine strength and vulnerability in every note.

From the coarse -grained undertones of the raw emotions of life to the high salvation, 'Heart of the Storm' is a song for anyone who has ever fought to rise over chaos. The mighty, driving rhythm and urgent melodies let them re -born – the prerequisites to face the storm. “

Upcoming folk metal heroes manra unleashes relentless energy Titan!

2012 around Mastermind Marko Matijević Sekul founded, the band has proven to be extremely productive as Titan is already her eighth studio album. Over the years, the quintet developed its brand sound by combining raw metal riffs and stubborn industrial noises with traditional folk instruments and releasing a relentless storm of capable metal anthems. Manntra's high Energy Soundscape is skilfully built up by supposed contrasts: authentic folk instruments such as pipes and mandolin, which are interwoven with scratchy male vocals and an uplifting industrial metal sound. With your latest masterpiece you clearly do not take a prisoner while the album starts with the title track “Titan” delivers powerful rhythms and powerful drums. This is based on tracks like further “Higher” or “Driver at dawn” Start with strong intros. Mannra manages like no other to transport the old melodies into modern times by using their folk elements with synthesizers as on combined “My Sandmann” Or closer to the album “NAV” deliver massive melodies. But Mannra also remains true to her roots “Teuta” Tell the story of a legendary Illyrian queen who in Croatia around 200 BC. BC ruled and “Unholy water (Voda)” A catchy choir and an intense female folk vocals that delivers a hymn like melody with texts in Croatian. The same can be observed on the extremely groovy and catchy testimony “Heart of the storm”while you are uplifting “Skal” is a song to start every popular party. The combined songs are a clear highlight “Forgotten Pt.1” And “Forgotten Pt.2” These are real masterpieces for industrial metals that cross seamlessly genres and tilt strongly into electronic elements and at the same time maintain their own sound landscape.

In total Titan Convinces with an enormous hit density and sets a clear marking, delivers proud hymns and in-your-face metal songs that are undeniable, and prove that Mannra is at the top of your game and is ready to take part in the next level of your promising journey!

Titan Track list:

The heart of the storm
Unholy water (Voda)
Skal (miracle of the tone cover)
My sandman
Driver at dawn
Forgotten Pt.1
Forgotten pt.2 – the ritual

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