
March 1, 2025 disciplinary measures – the Florida Bar

March 1, 2025 disciplinary measures

The Supreme Court of Florida in court disciplined nine lawyers, triggered three, revoked the license of two, the three to complain and test one.

Alex S. Barnett, 2500 Jennings Rd. ,, Silver Spring, MD, disciplinary stock Without permission to apply effectively immediately after a court order on February 13th. (Approved in practice: 2018) Barnett has revoked a disciplinary that contained due to social media posts, other communications and/or submissions that contained derogatory, defined and/or threatening language that were led to dishes, lawyers and others that were led to multiple felony born. (Case No. SC2025-0083)

Daryl Bobby Fenton, 91 NW 1st St., Suite B, Miami, excluded Give 30 days after a court order on February 6th. (Admittedly in practice: 2020) During a time of crime for failure to meet his further training requirements, Fenton submitted legal practice by submitting an appearance in the name of a client. Fenton incorrectly presented his application for reinstatement that he had not been a legal internship during the time of the delinquency. When the bar requested an explanation for the wrong presentation, Fenton did not answer. Fenton was also in court for failure to appear on two test data. Similarly, he did not react to this complaint and did not appear at his last hearing. (Case No. SC24-1048)

George Crosby Gaskell III, 9600 Escarpment BLVD., Suite 745-102, Austin, TX, suspended For one year 30 days after a court decision on February 18. (Admittedly, in practice: 2007) Gaskell was despised and suspended for one year after he had not complied with the conditions specified in the referee report and the conditions previously approved by the Supreme Court. (Case No. SC24-1527)

Jeffrey Darryl Hogan, Postfach 809, Windermere, public reference and conclusion of the workshop on the statement of trust, immediately after a court order on February 20. (Approved in practice: 1992) Hogan overlooked payments that were originally due to the medical service provider in personal damage up to 15 years, since he had not maintained the necessary records on the accounting balance sheet and did not follow the necessary procedures for accounting. Since then, Hogan has made all debt payments. The check of his lawyers' account also found a lack that Hogan immediately corrected. There was no evidence that Hogan abused against funds. (Case No. SC25-0154)

Nicole Marie Pearl1172 S. Dixie hwy, apt. 163, Coral gable, disciplinary repellent After five years after five years after a court order on January 30, the decree. (Approved in practice: 2014) Perle applied for a judicial determination of fraudulent behavior in connection with a real estate development project for disciplinary calls. The Supreme Court granted the petition. (Case No. SC24-1814)

Johnny A. Pineyro, 8601 Commodity Circle, Suite 100, Orlando, suspended 91 days with the proof of rehabilitation, which is required before re -hiring before re -hiring, are effect 30 days after a court order on January 30th. (Admittedly in practice: 1997) After an application for sanctions in a civil matter, Pineyro presented the court an affidavit that was not correct with regard to his participation in the representation. Pineyro explained that he was not advisable in the interpleader in question. Pineyro designed an affidavit that he sent to his lawyer who had made significant changes to the affidavit. Pineyro then signed the affidavit without thoroughly checking the content. His lawyer submitted it to the court. The affidavit could not explain that Pineyro had supported the lawyer in this case by checking some briefs and answering some questions, which led to additional legal disputes. After several days of statements in the Interpleader, the court issued an order to refuse to apply for sanctions and to transfer Pineyro to the Florida bar. (Case No. SC24-0913)

Andrea Povilaitis, 5505 North Atlantic Ave., Suite 207, Cocoa beach, excluded Effective immediately after a court order on February 6th. (Admittedly, in practice: 1997) Povilaitis hid her neglect of a client's civil procedure by paying him what she mistakenly claimed that his comparative means of her personal checking account were wrong. In fact, there was no agreement because she had never submitted the case and made her false representations against the non -existent settlement during the examination of the bar. In a second case, povilaitis was arrested under influence in 2021 because he caused damage to property after falling her vehicle and opposed without violence. Ultimately, povilaitis did not oblige any competition to ride and was put on probation. Povilaitis did not respond to the written inquiry of the bar and did not take part in the resulting disciplinary procedure against them. (Case No. SC24-0811)

Danialle Riggins, 1084 se 57th Ave., Ocala, excluded From legal practice, court order applies 30 days after February 13th. (Approved in practice: 2005) Riggins who have operated a serious pattern of neglect and lack of communication with four separate customers. Riggins received funds from the customers for whom she did not provide useful services, did not respond to her information inquiries, delayed the solution of the cases of customers and no money reimbursed that she had previously accepted. In some cases, riggins prompted customers to obtain an alternative advice, which led to additional costs for customers. In addition, two judges who were familiar with Riggins in their court halls complained about their inappropriate behavior of the courtroom and missed hearings. Riggins could not make sense in the disciplinary procedure either. (Case No. SC24-0817)

Stephen Everett Walker, 810 Saturn St., Suite 16, Jupiter, suspended From the law practice for three years of 30 days after a court order on February 27th. (Approved for practice: 2001) Walker submitted a civil complaint against his former romantic partner, who contained numerous unprofessional and derogatory statements about her and forwarded the complaint to her family and friends. He then voluntarily dismissed the case and submitted a second civil complaint that contained numerous, radiant and explicit statements that contained only in the embarrassment, humiliation and harassment. He also included new counts against others and issued false accusations for violations of Rico and false representations in court. Walker forwarded the second civil complaint to the family and friends of his partner. Walker was also charged with two offenses for violating an interim order against his former partner. (Case No. SC2023-1205)

The Supreme Court of Florida, the Florida Bar and its Department of Lawyers' Regulation is accused of enforcing a nationwide disciplinary system for enforcing professional rules of conduct for more than 113,000 members of the Florida. Key Discipline case files that are public records are published in the individual online bar profiles of lawyers. Follow these steps to display discipline documents. Information on the discipline system and the submission of a complaint can be found at

Court commands are only final until the time has expired to submit a repeat application and if submitted. Submission of such a application does not change the date of the discipline. The lit lawyers must not be admitted to admission for five years. You must carry out an extensive process that includes a strict background check and the repetition of the bar test. Lawyers who are exposed to 91 days and longer have to undergo a strict procedure in order to regain their right -wing licenses, including the detection of rehabilitation. The disciplinary revocation is synonymous with the payment.