
March 2025 Pixel updates are ready for download

Rita El Khoury / Android Authority

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  • The Android patches in March 2025 are now coming up for Pixel devices.
  • The updates land directly to Google that announce the March Pixel Drop functions.
  • OTA files and factory pictures can currently be downloaded.

We are only a few days after March and (at least from a smartphone perspective) the month is already a banner start. As if the mobile world congress would not be able to generate enough excitement, we also have some major updates for existing hardware, such as the March Pixel Drop Google, which was previously presented today. Of course, this does not arrive in a vacuum, and in addition to the provision of pixel-exclusive functions, we still have our regular monthly update for installation.

In view of the fact of how much we get in this pixel drop, it is impressive that Google still had time for more than just a few basic mistakes, but by the noises of the changelog Google, which has just been shared, it has twice as high as preparing of all these new additions, but has an effect on several telephone systems. Take a look at what you can expect:


  • Fixed for stability or performance with certain apps with WebView


  • Fix problems with adapting the call volume for calls via BT headsets


  • General improvements for the camera stability under certain conditions

Display & graphic

  • Fixed for the display stability and performance under certain conditions


  • General improvements for system stability and performance under certain conditions


  • General improvements for the stability and performance of network connections under certain conditions

user interface

  • Fixed for the problem, which occasionally causes a color theme in the Launcher preview
  • Fixed for the problem with start screen symbols so that after unlocking or switching apps, they appear transparent under certain conditions to appear or change transparently
  • Problem for the problem with switching between apps when using third -party providers under certain conditions
  • Fix the problem with thematic tones under certain conditions
  • General improvements for performance and stability in certain UI transitions and animations

Even without the Pixel drops, all of these stability changes and small performance fixes could help make some worthwhile improvements, so you don't want to waste time to install this update. If you have not yet been asked or feel impatient, we have all download links you need:

However, take free, however, to take the path of the slightest resistance and just wait a spell -these updates come to your pixel phone or board in one way or another.

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