
March Safety tips for women | Key Biscayne

According to local and national trends, the Key Biscayne police authority continues to offer monthly security tips to avoid the residents that falling victims to fraud and crime.

The tips of this month are aimed at the month of women's history

1. Always pay attention to your surroundings: A distracted person is a simple goal.

2. Put the scrolls and SMS aside for a safer moment: Your cell phone should be kept while walking, training or activities that you can make victim.

3. Always hold your keys in your hand as you go to your car: This prevents you from looking for keys in your handbag in the parking lot, and the keys can also act as a potential weapon in the event of an attack.

4. Always share your location with a loved one: By sharing their location, their loved ones can know their precise whereabouts via apps or location sharing functions available on smartphones and smartwatches.

5. Activate your alarm system as soon as you come home: Both you and the authorities will alert when someone tries to break into your house. In addition, alarms serve as a deterrent against criminal activities.

6. Trust your sixth sense! If something does not happen, it is likely. Trust your instincts and act.