
Martha Stewart talks about new “garden manual”: livestream

The latest addition to the Billboard Book Club comes from none other than Martha Stewart, who published its 101st book this week. Martha Stewart's garden manual: The essential guide for designing, plants and growth.



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See the latest videos, diagrams and messages

To celebrate, Stewart and her head gardener Ryan McAllister went over a shopping and streaming platform -Talkshoplive to discuss the book from their greenhouse and offices. Randomly selected copies of the Garden manual is signed by Stewart when he is bought over Advertising board and Talkshoplive.

During the conversation, Stewart gave a tour through her garden bag and answered fan, including the one plant, without which she could not live. “How about flowers? She replied.” My other answer is vegetables.

She also shared some fun wisdom: “If you want to be happy for a year, take a spouse.

Retail for 40 US dollars that Garden manual Offers a detailed guide to teach fans, cultivating a blooming garden, from understanding the ground composition to learning different types of plants and garden methods.

Take a look at Stewart's message Advertising board Spectators and take a look at the full Talkshoplive Livestream Garden manual.