
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Patch 4 published, which brings CPU and GPU performance improvements

The Nixxes software has released Patch 4 for the PC version of Marvels Spider-Man 2 and shared its complete changelog. So let's see what this new update brings to the table.

Patch 4 has performance improvements in areas with sand. In addition, it brings a number of CPU and GPU performance optimizations for the use of Ray persecution. As such, the game should run better if you activate these effects.

Update 4 also deals with an error that continues the shadow of symbiot nests of rays after their ventilation. It also fixes an error in which excessive lighting caused excessive lighting in some cases. It also dissolves an error with stem -drawn reflections, which led to the signs of appearing darker when the surrounding mass was set to Xegtao.

And that's not all. The game should now be more stable on the PC. Nixxes has fixed a crash that could occur if the game is quickly ended after the start. A crash is also determined that can occur when activating raytracing at Quadcore processors.

For what it is worth, I did not test this patch on the older Nvidia GPUS. As I wrote in my PC performance analysis, the game had some very low minimum frames for the NVIDIA RTX 2080ti and RTX 3080. With newer GPUs, the game can run smoothly. In addition, Nvidia has added support for MFG X4 via the Nvidia app, and you will find our impressions of it here.

As always, Steam downloads this update the next time you start the customer. Below you will also find the complete changelog.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Patch 4 Release notes

  • It solved a mistake that did not appear for some players for the first time.
  • CPU and GPU performance optimizations related to raytracing.
  • Performance improvements in areas with sand.
  • Improved card navigation performance.
  • Settings for brightness, contrast and visual effects are no longer reset when the game is restarted, or the time of day is changed.
  • A crash was determined that could occur if the game was quickly ended after the start.
  • Loosen a crash that could occur when activating raytracing at Quadcore processors.
  • An error that existed the shadow of symbiot nests of rays after extinguishing ray traced nessers.
  • Fixed an error in which excessive lighting caused excessive lighting in some cases.
  • Released an error with stem -drawn reflections, which led to the signs of appearing darker than the surrounding mass was set to Xegtao.
  • An error was fixed in which the mouse gets stuck in a switching state when pulling a scroll rod.
  • The [Space] Enter in 'press [Space] To continue, it is no longer replaced by the key that is assigned to “jump”.
  • Various crash corrections and improvements.
  • Various visual error loops related to radiation injuries.
  • Various corrections in Ray-Traced environments and Ray-Traced shadows
  • Different user interface defect defects and improvements.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2nixxes software