
Mathematics Club in Shirand Middle School published book for the Pi Day

Shirland, Ill. (Wifr) – The Shirand Middle School announced the publication of a book that was written and illustrated by her mathematics club: The Pi Day Pirates: A mathematical adventure for experienced sclywags!

The book follows the story of two young pirates: bike and slide. They are on the Isle of Pie and have to solve mathematical puzzles to pursue their adventure.

The book is available from Amazon for Kindles and will be available in the paperback on PI Day, March 14th. The students' authors say that the book is intended for children.

“You will not understand all the concepts, but while going through school, you will get this concept and understand it better,” said Alia Johnson's middle school student. “The book is really for everyone. Older grades will understand the mathematical part more, but in general it is for everyone to enjoy it. “

Hannah Pals is the math teacher of the Shirand Middle School, who led the students when writing the book.

She says you started brainstorming in September. The book was written and illustrated in January. From there she said that it mostly checked parts of the book with the Amazon publisher.

Pals says that writing a book with her children is an adventure despite the challenges that other teachers can do to challenge their students.

“Keep expectations. Let the students reach these high expectations and just surprise them. I always had high expectations of my students, but this year I am blown out of the water with what they have achieved, ”said Pals. “There will be setbacks. It will learn moments in almost everything and simply make this deep breath, then a step in front of the other. Keep going. Continue to follow. “

All income from the book will be donated to the St. Jude's Research Hospital.