
Matt Hardy about Fraxiom Match: I was very happy with it, I thought

Matt Hardy praises Fraxiom.

NXT Roadblock started with a huge game for the TNA World Tag team championships when the Hardys defended the titles against the Fraxiom duo by Nathan Frazer and Axiom.

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Many fans have requested a remaining between the two teams, possibly with the NXTTAG team championships in the management.

While he was entertaining Matt Hardy Podcast with Jon Alba about the latest edition of his extreme life, Matt Hardy Fraxiom praised in many ways and said that they have good instincts and speed.

“I think you have really good instincts to be younger people. They are both so fast. I mean, Jeff and I, we said that in our post-show promos because WWE interviewed us especially for one and then there was a social media camera, made a few promoses. This is one thing that we both said again and again, only their speed when they leaked and made these dives was only stunning, it was explosive. These boys moved really quickly, every time they moved into the ring, they were quick. I think that was also part of the tradition of the entire game because there were times when they were faster than we were. There were a few times in which we caught or tried to pick them up, but that was also a large part of our story, these boys were obviously faster. At that time we were the young almost boys and the Akolyths had to catch and close us, now we had to catch them and try to close them. I like Fraxiom, it was the first time that we touched ourselves, and when you consider that we would get into the ring for the first time and wrestle a match. I was really very satisfied with it. I thought it was solid through all the way and thought it was a damn first game. “

Alba asked Hardy to talk about what Fraxiom brought out of the hardys.

“I don't know if you have made something out of us that other people do in a match. I mean, we definitely have both moods and our auras and our things we do and the way we work. Mine is sometimes a bit more aggressive, Jeff is such a charismatic puzzle, an anomaly in many ways and he obviously does his thing. They were really good in understanding – I love the fact that we worked there and we gave the crowd the chance to breathe. I would show up and these boys would understand how to get down and come. There was a constant movement, we didn't do anything where we were sitting there for a while, there was constant movement, although it didn't always go crazy and went high spots. I thought it was strongly compiled and I love that the veterinary tax was super free for the game afterwards and enjoyed it, which was so cool. “

Elsewhere in the podcast, Hardy revealed that the hardys with WWE have future plans. Take a look at his complete comments by clicking here.

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