
Meet Souths New Head Football Coach | sport

Cheyenne, Wyo. – On Wednesday evening, the South High School organized a meet and greetings for its new head coach Steven Fernandez.

Fernandez comes to Cheyenne at the age of four and then for another four years of coaching at College level. This coaching stay included a position as a defensive coordinator on Bethan College.

Fernandez is aware of the challenges that he faces in the south. A football program that has not won a game since 2019 and has the record for the longest defeat in the history of state history. He told Wyoming News Now Sport that from day one he would do what he can do to change things.

“I like a challenge,” said coach Fernandez. “I do not run away with challenges and I do not expect our children to wear South Pride, the community is wearing South Pride and. We will go out there and accept the challenge.”

Fernandez spent a good part of his night to answer all questions that students and parents had for him.

His presentation focused on himself as a trainer and the ideals that he will bring to the program. Trainer Fernandez plans to change the culture of the South Football program to recruit as many players as possible, increase the commitment of the community and a big focus on education.

Coach is already working on the community -outreach events for his employees and his team and spends time at school to get to know children and hopefully bring them to the team.

While returning to the winning column has a great priority on match days, Coach wants his children to come and win every day during training so that they can get to this point. But in everything Fernandez's greatest priority is to education and ensure that his children will be set up for success in the future. Even go so far to say that he will lead the students to class every day to keep the beneficiaries.

“I'm real trying to instill building mentality and building relationships. I have a motto that every thing a problem, sometimes it's just a challenge. It's going to start with our preparation. I'm a firm Believer that if we don't work well thursday that we don't Expect to a Check on Friday.

Fernandez said that he is currently working on a spring and summer program. He also mentioned that students who were not in the Meet and Greet can contact him to get more information.