
Melting snow causes a roof leaf | News

Old town – When temperatures are increasing for the first time this year, some residents notice signs of difficulties on their roofs.

“What we have with the warm-up of the ice cultivation on roofs leads water to infiltrate through the roof system,” said Brindi Riley, manager at Octagon Cleaning & Restoration.

Riley, who has been working in flood and leak restoration for over a decade, said that melting snow can have cracks and other damage caused by ice cultivation in winter.

“Usually in the Review area – the lower edge of your roof. And this is caused by melting the underside of the snow cover, which builds up the ice over time, ”said Riley. “Then when the melting cycle occurs, the water comes through blankets and outer walls. And it is hidden in many places. ”

The old town of Ymca was one of the latest buildings to experience roof problems. Scott Wilcox, the CEO of the YMCA, said the roof started on Tuesday evening.

“At around 6:00 a.m. we experienced some leaks in our lawn room. The staff came in to check it and the suspended blanket fell behind me, ”said Wilcox.

He said that a blocked pipe had prevented water from flowing the roof and saturated about four inches of water. The gym and the lawn areas were temporarily closed due to repairs, but should be reopened until Thursday morning.

In order to avoid similar problems, Riley recommends that homeowners take proactive steps.

“The easiest to prevent ice cream dams is to keep the snow off the roof from the roof – at least the lower four to six feet,” said Riley.

She also advised to clear drainage pipes around the property and to double insurance policy in order to cover potential damage.