
Memorial found for the 16-year-old girl who was killed when shooting during the street fight in Fort Lauderdale. Miami News, Weather, Sport

Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (WSVN) – In Fort Lauderdale, a destroyed community came together to mourn the loss of a young girl due to gun violence.

Lanterns flew high for Tanaejah Atterbury in a monument that she had held in honor on Saturday evening.

“Long live Tanaejah!” The participants shouted when the lanterns hovered into the air.

The victim previously described mourners as a sweet soul, the police said that their lives had been shortened at the age of only 16.

“She was really nice, sweet, gentle,” said Sharday Heller, the victim's mother.

Atterbury's family and friends ignited candles and lanterns and were in prayer when they remembered what made them something special.

“Father God, we ask you to watch this family,” said a spokesman in the monument when she led mourners in prayer.

According to the Fort Lauderdale police, Atterbury was shot during a fight that broke out between two groups in Northwest Eightth Avenue near the 15th Street on February 17th.

Atterbury was not part of the fight that was recorded on the cell phone video.

Detectives said that 17-year-old Isaiah Frazier had opened the fire into the crowd and spectators races and Atterbury.

A witness chose currently 911.

“Where is the person who was shot?” said the dispatcher.

“She is on the floor. Come on now, please, ”said the caller.

The police arrested Frazier on Tuesday.

“Yes, we are happy that justice was served,” said Shanell Heller, the victim's aunt.

But Atterbury's family now has a hole in her hearts that cannot be filled.

Her mother became emotional during the monument, but she said that she was moved by all the support her family.

“It is really amazing to see who your friends are, who your family is [members]The support behind her, ”said Sharday.

“We have to stop violence, so we don't have to meet so to enjoy,” said Shanell.

Frazier is recorded in Broward County's youth billing center. Until late Saturday evening it remains unclear whether he will be brought to trial at the shootout as an adult.

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