
Meta divides leaks, fires 20 employees

Meta has released around 20 employees

Meta has taken measures against employees who have shared confidential company information and reports that around 20 employees are released. The decision follows an internal investigation into the latest leaks about corporate meetings and non -mentioned product plans.

A Meta spokesman confirmed the move and explained: “We tell the employees when they join the company and we offer regular memories that it is against our guidelines to publish internal information regardless of the intention. We recently carried out an investigation, in which around 20 employees have ended to share confidential information outside the company, and we assume that there will be more. We take this seriously and will continue to take measures if we identify leaks. “

Licks reveal internal meetings and future plans

The procedure follows a number of leaked reports in which details from the internal meetings of META are displayed, including an all-hand collection by CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The leaks contained information about upcoming product plans that have not yet been announced to the public.

As a result, Meta has strengthened its guidelines against the passing on of confidential information and warned the employees that those who are responsible for LECKS would be rejected. The company is determined to prevent further violations of internal security.

According to the internal warnings from Meta in front of the leaks, comments from the Chief Technology Officer Andrew Bosworth were leaked through. In these comments, Bosworth reported that the company briefly existed shortly before identifying those who are responsible for the exchange of internal information.

With the latest dismissals, Meta sends a strong message about the commitment to protecting sensitive company details. The company has made it clear that further measures are taken when additional leaks occur.