
Metro band in the Irelands St. Patrick's Day Parade

Blue Springs, Mo. (KCTV) – With St. Patrick's Day, some local band students got a flight to Ireland!

The pupils of the Blue Springs High School left the airport shortly before 8 a.m. on Friday morning to Dublin.

Members of the Golden Regiment Marching Band and Wildcat Jazz Ensemble are to perform at St. Patrick's Day Parade.

The route begins at the Parnell Square north of the city at noon and moves south. The grandstand is located in O'Connell Street, the main street of Dublin and the ceremonial center of the Parade route.

KCTV was at KCI when the students climbed the plane.

“The feeling is crazy! I have never been to the country before, and my friends will be a great experience, ”said a band member. “I am really looking forward to marching there and doing what I love in front of a huge audience is incredible,” said another.

The St. Patrick's Day Festival in Dublin is a five -day event with parades, street carnivals, Irish and international entertainment.

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