
MHT-CET curriculum 2025, subject-related examination pattern and important topics, download PDF

The MHT -CET examination pattern 2025 is very hard and competitive, and thousands of aspirants compete for seats in top engineering, pharmacy and agricultural colleagues throughout Maharashtra. The test emphasizes application -based questions and requires a thorough understanding of the concepts and topics.

The examination school plan is divided, whereby 20% of the class 11 topics cover and concentrate on 80% on class 12 material. Candidates from the PCM group will be with 150 questions, while aspirants of the PCB group will ask 200 questions.

The MHT -CET curriculum 2025Complets from the Maharashtra State Common Entrip Test Cell, includes physics, chemistry and mathematics for PCM candidates and physics, chemistry and biology for PCB candidates.

Maharashtra CET 2025 Exam structure & curriculum overview

Examination of conductive bodies Maharastra state of common input cells
Examination name MHT CET recording examination
Number of questions PCM group: 150
PCB group: 200
Negative marking No negative markings
Length of time 3 hours
Official website

MHT CET 2025 material complaints curriculum

The curriculum of MHT CET 2025 is a decisive resource for students who are preparing for the exam. It is organized according to the subject and topic to cover all materials contained in the test.

The curriculum illustrates the structure and marking system of the exam and helps the candidates to create an effective study plan. Students can design a schedule that guarantees comprehensive preparation by using the chapter and topic -specific details.

MHT CET Physics curriculum

The topics include topics, scalars and vectors, strength and friction in solids and liquids. It also covers Ray optics, magnetism and refraction of light.

Class 12 focuses on circular and rotational movement, electrostatics, gravity and electricity. Other topics include wave movement, elasticity and electromagnetic induction.

MHT -CET -Chemie curriculum

Class 11 topics include basic concepts of chemistry, redox reactions and surface chemistry. Other areas are hydrogen, alkanes and S-block elements.

Class 12 examines solid, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and electrochemistry. The topics also cover P-block elements, aldehyde, organic compounds and biomolecules.

MHT CET Mathematic's curriculum

Class 11 focuses on trigonometric functions, probability, sets, relationships and circle & conics. Class 12 includes differentiation, integration, matrices, three -dimensional geometry and linear programming problems.

MHT -CET -Biology curriculum

Class 11 topics include cell biochemistry, plant growth and diversity in organisms. Class 12 covers genetic inheritance, photosynthesis, breathing and biotechnology applications.


Class 11 includes animal fabric, human nutrition and cell organization. Class 12 deals with genetic engineering, evolution, human health, circulation and coordination systems.

MHT -CET examination pattern 2025

The exam format for MHT -CET varies based on the selected current of the applicant, whether physics, chemistry and mathematics (PCM) or physics, chemistry and biology (PCB).

For PCM candidates, the test contains 150 questions – 50 each from physics, chemistry and mathematics. In contrast, PCB aspirants will ask 200 questions with 100 from biology and 50 from physics and chemistry.

The marking schemes also differ. Mathematics issues each have two markings, while physics and chemical issues are worth a brand in the PCM section. For PCB, biology is assigned questions, and physics and chemistry are valued with two markings each.

There is no punishment for false answers in both streams, which makes it a factual marking examination. Both PCM and PCB applicants receive a total of 3 hours to complete the test.

Paper Theme Number of questions Mark for every question Overall brands
Class 11 Class 12
Paper I mathematics 10 40 2 100
Paper II physics 10 40 1 100
Chemistry 10 40
Paper III biology 20 80 1 100

Recommended books for the MHT -CET preparation

The selection of the right books is of crucial importance for the MHT -CET preparation. Below you will find a curated list of reliable resources for every topic.

  • For physics, MHT -CET -Physics (Marvel) From AJ Bapat and Concepts of Physics Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 HC Verma are excellent decisions. These books focus on concepts and problem solving techniques.
  • Aspirants can refer to chemistry Chemistry for MHT CET (MCQ) by Mayur Mehta and Chitra Joshi and MHT -CET chemistry by Arihanant Publishers. Both books offer extensive multiple choice questions for the exercise.
  • Mathematics enthusiasts can find Mathematics for MHT CET (MCQ) By Hemant G. Ainapure and Pradnya's objective mathematics From CS Patil helpful. These guidelines emphasize application -based learning.
  • For biology, Complete reference manual MH-Cet biology by Arihanhant publisher and Complete reference manual MHT-CET-Biology RK Manglik are comprehensive options.
  • In addition, aspirants can use them MHT-CET engineering examination (editorial compilation) And MHT-CET-PCM-Online Test series For general preparation and mock tests.

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