
Middleton Bakery plans to celebrate the Pi Day!

Middleton, Wis. (WMTV) – Call all cake lovers! Hubbard Avenue Diner and bakery in the Middleton bakery is preparing for the PI day on March 14th. The holiday, which celebrates the first three digits of the mathematical constant known as PI, 3.14.

Below you will find a list of specials that the bakery offers to celebrate this occasion.

  • $ 3.14 cake panes
  • Whole cakes to work, school or at home
  • Colorful frosted cookies in the form of the PI symbol (π)
  • Early morning cake-free competition with local celebrities, including Mayor Emily Kuhn
  • Annual PI Day T-shirt available with $ 3.14 cake panes whenever you wear it to dish

Wisconsinites are encouraged to visit and celebrate the bakery from 7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Since the first opening of the bakery in 2006, the owners said that this day was always something special and that they were happy to celebrate with the community.

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