
More than 30 cars towed for St. Patrick’s Day Parade

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) – The streets of Savannah may have been a bit more open Tuesday with dozens of cars being towed for Monday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade downtown.

The City of Savannah said 34 cars were towed away starting just past midnight along the parade route.

READ MORE: Need to know: What to do if your car gets towed, items lost

No parking zones were enforced near City Market and Ellis Square on Friday, deterring people from leaving their cars their at popular areas with thousands of people traveling to Savannah for the festivities. River Street was also closed over the weekend.

Geofencing was established for certain downtown areas starting at 10 p.m. on Friday for rideshare services as well.

A tow is costly for the car owners and the full breakdown of pricing can be found HERE.

For cars under 10,000 lbs.:

  • $250 – The first hour to tow away a car
  • $50 – Each individual quarter hour
  • $45 – Daily storage fee
  • $75 – Recovery fee
  • $125 – Relocating vehicle from inside the fence to the outside at the lot
  • $85 – Fee for leaving car longer than three days

READ MORE: Final preparations underway for Savannah’s 201st St. Patrick’s Day celebration

So, as many were enjoying the festivities and floats along the parade route, their cars stayed put at the police department’s lot on Habersham Street. With an unfortunate golden ticket letting them know their car was taken by the police.