
More than 380 traffic stops lead to over 170 tickets during 3-day enforcement details in Deschut County

Bend, ore. (KTVZ) -The law enforcement authorities in the district made more than 380 traffic stops and spent Blitz exposed over 170 tickets during the three-day enforcement authority of the week, the officials announced on Thursday.

The details of the traffic details for transport traffic took place every day from Monday to Wednesday and aimed at high -ranking areas in Bend, Redmond, Black Butte Ranch, Sunriiver and the rural Deschut County, said Sheila Miller, communication manager of Bend Police.

The coordinated efforts focused on speed overruns and exhilarated and distracted driving as well as uncertain driving behavior such as illegal procedure and no seat belts. It mainly focused on the US Highway 20, the US Highway 126, the US Highway 97 and the Bend Parkway.

In the three-day details, at least 36 officials from six agenture-aregon State Police, the sheriff office of the Deschut County, the Bend police, the police from Redmond, the police from Black Butte Ranch and the police police.

Miller said the officials made more than 380 traffic stops related to the detail. About 45 percent of these traffic stops, more than 170, led to at least one traffic quote.

“The majority of these stops were initiated due to excessive speed,” she said, while 17 of the contacted drivers were driving with suspended licenses.

“Traffic safety affects everyone in our community,” said Miller in a press release. “Bend police and our partners ask the drivers to drive responsibly – get slower, do not use their phone and follow the street rules.”