
Mount Vernon's man who was arrested after trying during the attack

Mount Vernon-Die police from West Chest County arrested a man from Mount Vernon after trying to flee through a window on the first floor during a robbery on Wednesday morning.

The incident occurred at around 7:30 a.m. in the residence of the suspect at Pearsall Drive.

Narcotics Unit officials, supported by the Mount Vernon police and other units, came to carry out a search order.

The 29-year-old suspect was arrested immediately after a short fight.

It was found in possession of a loaded pistol.

Further studies at the crime scene have discovered quantities of heroin and cocaine, illegal handgun magazines and components that may be used to assemble “Ghost Guns”.

The authorities revealed that the pistol seized by the suspect had been stolen in a break -in in New York City.

The man is charged, including several charges of the criminal possession of a weapon of 2nd degree, criminal possession of a controlled substance of the 3rd degree, criminal possession of stolen ownership of 4.growage, resistance to the arrest and disability of the government administration.

He was charged with Mount Vernon City and is currently in the West Chestian County prison for a deposit of $ 15,000.

The investigation remains.