
MPD examines the death of the woman, the boy who was pulled fire from the morning house as a murder

Memphis, tenn. (WMC) – The Memphis police authority examines the death of a woman and a boy who was drawn from a house fire in the Elmore Park region on Thursday morning. The police say it was found that a murder was involved.

The investigators are located in the house in the 6400 block of the Wimble Road and collect evidence.

MPD was called to the scene at 9:35 a.m. At that time it is unclear how the victims died. Your age was not published.

The police ask for the help of the public to find answers in this case.

Those with cameras in the area or information are asked to call crimestops under 901-528-Cash.

Action News 5 is outstanding. Further information from the Memphis fire brigade.

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