
Ms. haunted after he burned grass fire through the neighbor's house

Bexar County, Texas – With thick smoke and flames around them, Genesis Garcia raced onto her house on the Big Leaf Drive on Tuesday afternoon.

Garcia's neighborhood near the Bexar and Atascosa County lines was on the way of a destructive grass fire, which the A&M Forest Service in Texas referred to as a “duke” due to its proximity to the Duke Road.

A relative had a cell phone camera rolled when Garcia and her family drove down her street.

Garcia, who feared the worst, was heard outside the camera and said: “It won't be good” when she entered her property.

Thanks to the actions of their family members and neighbors, ownership was spared.

“Garden hoses. We had shovels, buckets of water, ”said Garcia and explained the tools with which they had knocked the flames back. “If no one had come here in time, the house would have been away. Everything we own would have been gone. That's all we have. “

On Wednesday morning, Garcia showed the flames just a few feet from the back door of her grandmother's house.

Several members of Garcia's family live in houses on the same property.

While her property made it through relatively intact, Garcia said that she was burning a neighbor's house.

“Everything that people have worked so hard and all their lives all away,” said Garcia. “It was terrible and watched how it went up in flames. And there was no house anymore. “

Unfortunately, the same scenario played in the entire neighborhood, possibly dozens of times.

An explanation that was submitted to reporters on Tuesday evening said that up to 37 structures had burned the fire.

On Wednesday morning, however, the fire investors said that they did not count exactly on the burned structures. They still added the damage.

According to the Firefighters of Atazosa County, three firefighters were also injured.

Ronald Sanches said Ksat that two of the firefighters were treated in a hospital for minor injuries and then released.

By Wednesday morning, Sanches said that the third fireman who suffered smoke inhalation was still in the hospital.

At the highlight of the fire, the crews from Bexar County and Atascosa County were thin.

From 5:26 p.m. on Wednesday, the Bexar County-Atascosa County-Schär district is known as “Duke Fire”-Laut 100% contain the Texas A & M Forest Service, but officials from the Bexar County district said that the first aiders are still working on hot spots on site.

According to Rebeca Clay Flores from Bexar County, around 100 firefighters worked at the same time to combat the grass fire.

Clay-Flores was part of a coalition of elected leaders who rated the damage on Wednesday morning. The district judge of Bexar, Peter Sakai, and the ATASCOSA County, Mark Gillespie, were also present.

The group promised to help those whose houses were affected by the fire, and warned others to take steps to prevent this type of damage from being again.

Garcia said she planned to do what she can to ensure that her family is safe.

“To ensure that I can sleep and be in order for the children and I don't have to pack the car in the middle of the night,” said Garcia.

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