
Mt Outdoor Podcast Dets in Fort Peck's first Walleye tournament with tips, tricks & history with Joe Herbold – Montana Outdoor

This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast Your host Downrigger Dale speaks to the founder of the now 31st annual Jerry Johnston Memorial Tough Guy Walleye tournament Joe Herbold. For those among them, fishing the pikeperch tournaments in Montana, you will probably recognize this name. In addition to the start of the Tough Guy tournament, Joe was also the MC of the big bird of all for many years, which was often referred to as the Super Bowl of the Montana Walleye tournaments, the Montana Governor's Cup. Of course the Jerry Johnston Memorial Tough Guy tournament for Joe and when it is still very, very special Click here to listen to this podcast. You will also hear Joe talking about the history of this incredible tournament, how it got his name, how the first one was all the years ago, where some of the “go to” shoots find fish during the tournament, ideas what you use and how you can use it to use so much in the season, and so much more! Joe also speaks a little about the history of the Hell Creek Campground and Marina, where the tournament of Jerry Johnston Memorial Harter Guy and also lives about the wonderful city of Jordan, in which Joe still lives today. The 26 .. You don't want to miss this banquet! It is an explosion and you will eat on some of the best Prime Ribs you will ever eat, and if you are lucky, you can buy one of just 600 tickets to win that. 10,000 US dollars cash prize! Click here to obtain more information. But of course you will want first Click here to hear For all the other great information that Rigger and Joe give you during this funny podcast!


  • Click here Visit the Jordan chapter from Walleyes Unlimited Facebook page to get updates to Jerry Johnston Memorial hard Guy Walleye tournament.
  • Click here to get information On this and other pikeperch tournaments for Montana.
  • To get more information about the Hell Creek Campground and reserve a campsite Click here.
  • Click here To get more information about the Hell Creek Marina.
  • You can get more information about Jordan Montana Click here.

Questions? Click here to send an E -Mail Downrigger And he will get you answers!


App Fisheries Montana Outdoor Podcast Walleye