
Mylar Ballon meets the power line in controlled explosive demon station

New Orleans (WVUE) – The carnival season is in full swing, but it remembers the dangers of mylar or foil balloons and confetti cannons from local officials and pension providers.

Both can cause dangerous power failures along the Parade routes, with new consequences for those who do not follow the rules.

Deanna Rodriguez, CEO of ENGY New Orleans, says that the fun is at the center of the celebrations that the security of the city's power grid is top priority.

“We want everyone to have fun. We also want the parades to roll, ”said Rodriguez.

The fun quickly turned to the frustration for Queen Alla 2025, Gian Durand, who saw first -hand how a power failure can derail a parade.

“We caught four hours because of a power failure. The previous year we delayed two hours due to a power failure, ”said Durand. “We want everyone to be safe, but we also want everyone to know how everyone in the city affects when they do things like that.”

On the surface, metallic balloons and confetti cannons are apparently innocent parade accessories. However, you can cause major electrical problems if you hit power lines.

Oliver Thomas, City Councilor of New Orleans, had a simple message for the participants of the parade: “Do not let the balloon blow up, the reason why we have an electric blowout.”

What is Mylar?

ENGY showed how the polyester film Mylar air balloons and other brands, which can previously cause a dangerous scenario, if it comes into contact with power lines.

Mylarballoons(WVUE TV)
The city council of New Orleans to coordinate the ban on Mylar Ballon publications on Thursday
The city council of New Orleans to coordinate the ban on Mylar Ballon publications on Thursday

“If you have involved in our Powerlines, this can create a way between the different wires of the poles to cause contact with phase to phase, which leads to this power failure.”

Carnival authority

City regulations

Last summer, the city council approved a regulation that forbid confetti cannon weapons from parades, including how grills, open flames, tents and furniture.

In November 2024, the Council approved a further regulation that banned the release of film or other electricity materials, balloons. These are mainly seen during vigils or monuments for lost relatives.

Those who break the rules have serious consequences.

Drivers who use confetti cannons are exposed to 500 US fine with a fine of 500 US dollars for the smrew. At the discretion of the city, the Klewe also risks to completely lose its parade approval.

“They violate a municipal regulation, there are consequences,” said Thomas. “I would hope that if someone violates this regulation, that you get a picture, get a name, get a truck, receive a location and act accordingly.”

Arthur Hardy from The Times-Picayune and Mardi Gras Guide pointed out the broader dangers of Mylarballoons and confetti cannons. “It brings a big threat, not only on the Parade route, but to the entire neighborhood when you switch off the supply companies and the electricity.”

During the carnival in 2024, paper streamers involved a transformer during the Thoth parade. It caused significant delays in the following drivers.

The year before, during the Cleopatra parade, a Foil Confetti Cannon shot the lights.

How can you stay in safety?

The Energy council is simple: If you handle mylar air balloons, make sure that you will be weighted off and stay inside as far as possible. If you are no longer needed, make sure that you properly dispose of you to prevent environmental damage, or a stray wind that brings you to the power lines.

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