
Nazi greeting and anti-Semitism that are examined at French universities

The first provocation took place on January 30th at the Sciences Po Lille University in northern France, during a false meeting of the meeting of the assembly about real equality organized by the organization of Le Parlement of the Etudian. The debate quickly became “heated to the insults such as” cunt “,” said a student (who wants to remain anonymous). The session was then suspended and “the organization asked the insulting students to go.” At that time, two of the affected students, from the right-wing group in the false parliament, made Nazi greeting.

The next day, Etienne Peyrat, director of science sciences, hired an internal examination and the two students were quickly identified. They came from “Espol” [European School of Political and Social Science]”said Peyrat.” We therefore decided together with the director of Espol to raise both charges for promoting war crimes and crimes against humanity as moral, political and bourgeois obligation. “The investigation continues. If you contact the Lille Attorney, the public prosecutor did not answer our request for comments.

On February 6, the Golem Collective, a left Jewish group against anti -Semitism, released a card game on social media that was made by students near the University of Strasbourg, a right -wing student organization. The collective claims to have received the cards from a student who used to be the right organization near the right organization. It shows students who wear Jewish stereotypes (Yarmules, long beards, etc.). In one of the cards it says: “Steal the winnings of the previous player and add 10%, refer to anti -Semitic stereotypes.

On another map, “The Nürnberger Tribunal”, before the 21 Nazis officer was tried in 1945, is written in large letters. Samy Amocran, the Section President of University of Strasbourg, appears under the name “Samuel Amocranosvki” and bears a Yarmulke. The caption reads: “When Samuel Amocranosvki is played, the other players lose € 20, their most valuable jewel and their bills increase by 300%.” When he was contacted, he did not answer.

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