
NC Supreme Court would still unsolved 4 months after the election day unresolved

Raleigh, NC (Fox Carolina) – The race of North Carolina's Supreme Court is still unsolved four months after the election day.

After two follow -up, the State Board found that the winner was the reigning judiciary of Allison Riggs. The judge of the Court of Appeal, Jefferson Griffin, demands over 60,000 ballot papers, which he claims, violate state law.

“Judge Jefferson Griffin bravely fights for the election integrity and asked these important questions about judicial review. In any case: Photo ID, never resident votes and the failure of the State Board of Elections to maintain precise voting roles, these protests try to apply the rule of law in this competition, ”said the communication director for NCGOP Matt Mercer.

Fox Carolina also turned to the Democratic Party of North Carolina.

Voters who were contested in the election protest can click here to obtain further information.