
Neighbors rattles after shooting in Florida has another young victim – NBC 6 Südflorida

The neighbors said that a teenager was taken to the hospital in the last incident of weapons after a shooting day in Florida City, in which a young victim is involved in the city.

The shootout occurred on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the area of ​​Northwest 5th Avenue and the 13th Street.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue official said that they had reacted to the area to receive a medical call with reports about a shootout, and that an educational patient was flown by the scene to a local hospital as a trauma alarm.

A resident said that he and his family had to take cover when the shots were.

“Scary, especially if it was so, too close,” said the man. “We only thank God, that's all I can say, we thank God.”

The man showed where balls hit the light pink toy car of a small child and a wall.

No further details about the shoot were published.

It is the third shootout in which a young victim in Florida City goes back from November when someone shot down the 9-year-old Antavious Scott while playing in front of his house.

The mother and grandmother of Antavious Scott say that they can finally rest after a suspect was arrested in connection with the death of the 9-year-old in November. Niko Clemmons from NBC6 reports

Montreal Savontae Jackson Jr., who was 19 years old at the time of the shootout, but turned 20 in January, faces a second degree in the murder of Scott's murder. He did not know his guilty.

A 13-year-old Johvon Taylor in January, only a Blaock from the shootout on Wednesday, was killed in a shootout.

23-year-old Tyler Kingsley manyou is charged with Taylor's shooting because of the murder of the second degree.

The police are investigating after a 13-year-old was fatally shot in Florida City on Saturday evening.