
New date for the train that connects Nord -Colorado with Denver

We have a new update for the Passger rail project at the front that comes to Colorado.

In 2023 we announced that the rail project would secure federal financing. This means that taxpayers in Colorado do not have to pay for the entire project.

Federal funding is used to pay the ambitious project that has been rumored for a long time.

There is a new timeline and an update of the project.

Update to Colorado Transportation Project

According to Longmont Leader and other sources, there is now a destination to end the first part of the project by 2029.

The first phase would include a rail that connects Denver and Fort Collins. The plan might also contain stops in different cities in the north of Colorado.

This would be huge for North Colorado. As someone who drives the I-25 every day, it would be nice to sit in less traffic. There are many commuters from North Colorado according to Denver. This would be a great help.

The Longmont leader found that many of the funds would come from new fees for rental cars.

This would be Colorado's first phase

At the end of 2023, Colorado received half a million dollar from the federal government to plan the project.

In 2024, governor Jared Polis announced that Colorado would invest 170 million US dollars for the project annually.

We see that the first phase will become a reality by 2029. The passenger railway project hopes to connect most of the state to a passenger rail. The future goal is to connect Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.

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Address: 4229 S Mason St. Fort Collins, CO 80525

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