
New evidence could be published in the event of a missing IOWA messages Jodi Huisentruit

New information could be published in the cold case of one Iowa news anchor who was missing Almost 30 years ago.

Jodi HuisentruitA Minnesota from Minnesota was 27 years old when she did not appear in Mason City, Iowa on June 27, 1995. In front of their residential building, the police found signs of a fight – especially about their car, which was still in the parking lot. Investigators believe that someone attacked her when she drove to her car for the early news layer.

While she was declared dead in 2001, her disappearance has largely remained a mystery for three decades.

On Monday, a judge of Cerro Gordo County heard arguments to reveal a search order from 2017 for two cars of a long -time person of Huisentruits case.

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Jodi Huisentruit


Lawyers argue that the arrest warrant should not be sealed because the person interested died in December last year.

“The family needs a closure about it, their honor. They have to open it and do not seal it so that they can be closed after his death in order to know that he is no longer examined with something that he can never be used with,” said Jesse Marzen.

The lawyer of Cerro Gordo County, Caryle Dalen, says that the case is still active and that the publication of the arrest warrant would harm the efforts to solve him.

A judgment is expected within 30 days.

The online group Fund Jodi asks someone with information to report. For more than a decade, journalists and retired law enforcement agencies have published interviews in the group, explored new tips and passed on information to the Mason City police.