
New leaks confirm which couples marry for love. Is blind?

Would someone want to chains themselves with me to Netflix 'headquarters?

New Love is blindly relay eighth leaks have supposedly revealed which couples marry in the coming final, and without giving away too much, it basically confirmed that this was the most senseless season so far.

After six long episodes in the pods and a few episodes in the real world, we quickly approach the love that is the blind final and the subsequent reunification. We already know a few juicy details about what will come, but now Leaks have spoiled the last episodes of a rather reputable podcaster.

Triggers Warning: From this point there are some huge spoilers, so take care and grab the tissue.

So, which couples actually marry love, is blind?

Podcaster StoryTime with Rikki was the focus of the greatest love this season, from Lauren's friends to the disturbing allegations against some of the men.


Here is her love is the blind season 8 wedding anniversary spoilersssss «

♬ Original sound – storytimeWithrikkii

In a new Tikkok that was released on Monday, Rikki touched how the last episode was left on a massive cliffhanger when we asked if Sara Carton was getting married to marry Ben Mezzzenga.

According to Rikki, Sara will say no during the ceremony and reject Ben's offer to continue her relationship due to her different “values”. She could have said these weeks when most of us have already proclaimed it, but we are moving.

Next she claimed that Devin said about marriage, but Virginia said no! Like Rikki, I am not massively surprised by it because despite the claim that they claimed that they simply didn't seem to be head over head.

These are two failures and not success – continue to Monica and Joey.

“Monica will actually say no,” said Rikki, adding that Joey also planned to say no. “This actually surprised me because I thought they would be good together, even though I don't think it was romantic.”

This only leaves Daniel Hastings and Taylor Haag and luckily they marry!

One person reacted to the sad news and said: “Why can't you just publish everything at once?! WTF do you lose if you do it? I don't understand BC IDC to wait for further episodes at this point. “

“When I'm from Minneapolis, I am so disappointed that I was hoping for so much more this season,” said another.

I don't think the eighth confirmed love is blind, but it has confirmed that love is stupid.

Love is blind is now available on Netflix. For the latest Netflix messages, drops, quiz and memes Like the Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

Selected photo certificate: Netflix