
New Unreal Engine 5.3 Tech demo, inspired by Samaritan, Blade Runner & Cyberpunk, is available for download

UE5 fans, here is something for you. The artist SciontiDesign has published a New Unreal Engine 5.3 Tech demo that you can now download. This demo is strongly inspired by the Samaritan UE3 demo, Blade Runner and Cyberpunk.

In more details, the demo uses only dynamic lighting. Scionist design also used Nanit with distance networks and surrounding closure with screen space reflection.

This demo does not have lumens, path tracking, RTX, DLSS or baked lighting. So this is what UE5 can achieve without its advanced functions.

On my Nvidia RTX 5090, the Tech demo with over 60 fps in native 4K/epic environments ran at all times. After what I could see, almost all light sources gave shadows. However, there are many invisible walls. In addition, the screen room reflections are not that big (due to their usual visual problems).

In my opinion, this technical demo benefits greatly from its art style. Scionist design did an incredible job here. The artist managed to grasp the appearance of the Samaritan Tech demo. At least in my opinion.

You can download the demo from this link. At the end of the article you will also find a video of it.

Speaking of unreal engine 5, we recommend trying these other free fan-made demos. You can grab a Superman UE5 demo, a Halo 3: Odst remake and a Spider-Man UE5 demo. There is also a version of Stalker in Unreal Engine 5. If you love the old school FPS games, you should see this remake of the classic FPS blood in Epics Motor. Don't forget the Halo Remake: Combat Evolveds Halo -Level in UE5 or this free attack on the Titan game. And then we have the Zelda: Ocarina of Time remake in UE5.

Owners of high-end GPUs can also try these two technical demos. The first offers a Witcher -like environment. The second shows an Italian city of Rome. Last month we also shared a demo from King's Field 2 in UE5. Finally we have the Lord of the Rings: conquest in Unreal Engine 5, a remake of Flappy Bird, a demo for the need for speed: underground 2 and a Diablo 2 remake demo. They all look fantastic, so they absolutely try it out.

After all, Greg Coulthard has released two must-have fan remakes/remasters from Skyrim and Oblivion in Unreal Engine 5.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!