
News Podcast listener over-index via the video podcast consumption via index

News podcast listeners use YouTube to watch videos and consume and find podcasts compared to non-new-podcast listeners, such as a report by NPR, NPM and sound.

“The News Podcast Consumer”, who came out last week, dealt with News Podcast listeners to analyze their demographic data, media behavior and consumption habits. The data are a segment of the “2024 Podcast Landscape Report” by Sounds Profitable and Signal Hill Insights, in which over 5,000 Americans were interviewed. Of these, almost 800 respondents had consumed a news podcast last month.

The results that also show news podcast listeners should be surprised by the video podcasts with greater probability, since YouTube as a podcast platform and the growth of video podcasts has the latest dominance of YouTube and the growth of video podcasts.

Source: Report “News Podcast Consumer”

Last week youtube said that it now has 1 billion a monthly podcast user, reported Semafor. This means that audio platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts are ahead. In October Edison Research found that YouTube was the most popular podcast platform in the USA via Audio platforms such as Spotify and Apple podcasts.

Managers like The New York Times, Bloomberg and Vox Media announced Digiday that their podcast audience has grown thanks to the latest prints in video production. Managers of these companies – as well as NPR and Fortune – said they plan to continue to produce more video podcast content this year.

According to the report last week, 50% of New Podcast Podcast listeners had spent more time with podcasts last year, compared to 42% of non-news consumers.

Source: Report “News Podcast Consumer”

Here are some other important findings from the report:

  • 87% of News Podcast podcast listeners state to consume video podcasts compared to 81% of non-news podcast listeners.
  • 59% of news podcast podcast listeners stated that they had spent more time on YouTube in the past 12 months, compared to 47% of non-new podcast listeners.
  • YouTube was the top platform for podcast consumption for news consumers. 44% stated that this platform “most common” was used with 38% of non-news users.
  • The second platform was Spotify (17%), followed by Apple Podcasts (9%).
  • 65% of News Podcast's podcast listeners stated that YouTube finds new podcasts alongside personal recommendations. This is compared to 49% of non-news-podcast consumers. (Podcasters have been saying for years that YouTube is a platform that, thanks to its algorithm, discovered their shows from new listeners.)
  • 93% of New Podcast's podcast listeners had consumed a video on YouTube last month, compared to 78% of non-news consumers.
  • News consumers have also checked the monthly use of other online video platforms. 51% looked at Instagram roles and 48% on TikTok compared to 40% or 39% of non-news consumers.