
No injuries to Burnham House Fire | News, sports, jobs

Sentinel photo from Sam Baumgardner
The fire chief of Yeagertown Fire Co., Chris Treaster, calls a fireman on Tuesday afternoon during a house fire in the 319 Fourth St. in Burnham.

Sentinel photo from Sam Baumgardner
(From left) Yeagertown Fire Co. Firefighters Brandon Eby and Travis Panunzio are moving a hose line from Yeagertown's fire engine on Tuesday afternoon.

Sentinel photo from Sam Baumgardner
Ty CLINE, head of the Reedsville fire brigade manager, removes debris from the bedroom over a window while extinguishing a fire in the 319 Fourth St. in Burnham on Tuesday afternoon.

Burnham – Burnham Fire Co. was sent for a house fire around 2:30 p.m. to 319 Fourth St. in Burnham.

On arrival, firefighters found Rauch, who went from the back of the house, and the residents registered fire in a bedroom.

Firefighters entered the house and had the fire under control in about 15 minutes. No injuries were reported.

Burnham Fire Co. was supported at the crime scene by Yeagertown Fire Co., chief Logan Fire Co., Reedsville Fire Co., Heritage Fire Co., Fame EMS and local fire police. The Red Cross was contacted to help the victims.