
Norwalk Man was injured after shot home before the incident in Plainfield

Pligfield, Conn. (Wfsb) – A man is injured after a shootout in Plainfield on Friday evening.

According to the Plainfield police department, the Black Hill Road was used for the crime scene at 11:49 p.m. after a reputation of 911 reported several people in the residence.

When the crews arrived, they found a 33-year-old man who suffered from a gunshot wound in his forearm, accompanied by a man.

The state police assisted the search in the nearby area and found a man who hid in the wood line behind the house.

The investigators confirmed that a firearm was released and hit one of the people at home.

The shot victim was taken to a local hospital.

Officials said the victim from Norwich had been treated for non -life -threatening injuries.

This incident will continue to be examined at this point.

If someone has information about this incident, you will be asked to contact the Plainfield police department at (860) 564-0804

Eyewitness news provide more details as soon as they are available.