
NPD reacts to Newton's crime in the last year – the heights

Newton saw one increase In crime last year, especially in the case of budget and destruction of property, according to the Newton Police Department (NPD), Mike Bozio, Senior Analyst Analyst Analyst Analyst.

“Newton is an attractive place for burglaries,” said Amanda Henrickson, head of the NPD Community Service Bureau. “We have the call to be a wealthier community.”

According to a report that was published on February 14 in the Newton Mayor Ruthann Fuller newsletter, the break -ins from residential areas more than doubled in 2023 in 2023 in 2023 in 2023 in 2023.

Real estate crimes – vandalism or destruction of property – have an increase of 14.1 percent from 496 cases in 2023 to 566 in 2024.

According to Henrickson, hate incidents were often associated, especially with hate incidents, especially with anti-Semitic, especially the political mood in connection with the Israel-Hamas War.

Under 74 hate incidents reported by NPD in 2024, 59 of them were classified as anti -Semitic. The next classification of hate incidents was anti-Asian with three incidents in 2024.

“We had a number of incidents in our city where lawn signs were either damaged, uncomplicated or stolen by the property of a person,” said Henrickson. “I think the total number of hate or bias incidents, 67 of those involved signs that were either pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian.”

Bozio said that Newton is anti -Semitic hate crimes with a more precise distinction rose than necessary.

“In our systems, we have our record management systems, all of these cases would be reported as anti-Jewish,” said Bozio. “But in the Newton Police Department we would only go a little further, and we only immerse yourself a little further into the analysis of the kind of hate crime or incident.”

According to the NPD officials, the police tried to promote a safer environment for Newton's Jewish community who work with faith leaders, synagogues and organizations in Newton.

“Our members of our police station work closely with members of the Jewish community to find ways in which we can feel the community safer,” said Henrickson.

Newton saw seven hate crimes in 2024, an increase from one in 2023. A hate crime is defined as a criminal act motivated by prejudices, while a hatred incident is a complaint motivated by prejudices, although it may not contain any criminal behavior.

From last summer, NPD took off as part of an initiative called Operation Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Citizens' Stand to promote a greater feeling of security.

“Seeing police officers to foot patrols helps to relieve fear because they have this visible presence in their neighborhood,” said Henrickson. “We would like to continue to use the community feedback to change how we will react in the future so that we can hopefully deter and prevent future incidents.”

Although Newton recorded a decline in mental health calls from 2023 to 2024 by 9.18 percent, these calls have almost doubled in the past ten years. In 2014, NPD received 230 of these calls, while there were 456 in 2024.

NPD has tried to adapt his approach to these situations, said Henrickson and called for a 40-hour special training for most of his civil servants and the establishment of departments for crises for mental health.

“They refer to incidents in which a person with a mental health crisis is involved with calls and tractions, and also to people who may need help in drug abuse or relaxation,” said Henrickson.

Bozio has attributed the increase in mental health requirements over the past ten years to the growing population of Newton and the increased awareness of mental health problems.

“People are more aware of mental health in general, so I think they are rather inclined to call,” said Bozio.

Newton also recorded an increase in car and bicycle accidents. These tended to appear on parking spaces or intersections. According to the newsletter, the officials saw a pattern of accidents due to the crazy driving.

“Many of them only have to do with general inattentiveness, not just with a distraction of handheld devices,” said Bozio. “We try to make many of our direct patrols when we try to limit many of the crashes of these places.”

In response to these incidents, NPD set up an urban road safety program for 2025 with the support of a grant by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

“The police authority will take part in six traffic complaints,” said Henrickson. “The first to take place at the moment is the campaign with the campaign affected in winter, which aims to reduce drunk driving this winter.”

NPD is currently working on a website in which the residents of Newton can stay up to date through access to crime and report, said Bozio.

“There you can be able to actually make certain crime card and to look at some of the crime statistics,” said Bozio. “We hope that things will work in the next few months.”

In 2025, Henrickson hopes to reduce the number of crimes and traffic accidents through preventive measures and sensitization campaigns and to focus on public relations in the community in order to build up greater relationships with Newton citizens.

“We hope that through proactive interactions with the community and the dedication of resources for the best locations, we will be able to recognize a reduction in the future,” said Henrickson.