
Numbers for state aids that are released for Eatontown, Shore regionally

Little Silver, New Jersey – Last week, state aid figures for school districts in New Jersey were published as part of the budget of governor Phil Murphy.

The number of auxiliary districts preserved by Trenton is very important because it helps the districts to prepare their budgets, to determine which classes and extracurricular storage and means of transport are to be kept.

The money is used for the current school year 2025-26.

Here are the figures for state help for local school districts:

  • Shore Regional: 987.195 US dollars this year, $ 55,879 or six percent than this year.
  • Eatontown Boro $ 1,882,331 million, $ 106,547 or six percent than this year.
  • Little Silver Boro $ 870,170 in state aid, $ 26,912 or 3 percent less than the district in 2024.
  • The schools in the Middletown receive government support of $ 14.8 million for the 2026 financial year, an increase of six percent or 839,000 $ 2024. Middletown received $ 13.9 million from the state.
  • Oceanport Boro $ 1,023,798 in state aid, which is $ 57,951 more or six percent than this year.

All amounts in the school districts of state aid in New Jersey will be preserved this year: this will be the final budget that Murphy will prepare in his time as governor of New Jersey.

In order to make it more fairly, as state aid is determined, the state made an upper limit of three percent this year on how much a district could lose, and an upper limit of six percent of how much more aid it could receive, compared to 2024.