
Oh, fight in the championship tennis game, but secure the 3-Peat | Local sports

When Leah San Agustin, Charlotte Oh and John F. Kennedy High School, Leah San Agustin, met last month in a Guam Ministry of Education of the Guam Adventist Academy Angels High School Girls' No. 1-singles tennis match, a consistently defeated San Agustin 8-love. In this game, San Agustin, a newcomer, was still recovering from an illness and fought against the double defending champion.

In the championship game on Thursday, a much improved and healthy San Agustin Oh, could not do what no other player had done in three years – oh. With dozens of fans and spectators who clung to the fence around the tennis courts on the JFK campus, Oh San Agustin defeated 8: 6 to secure a three-goal for three years as an undefeated champion.

“I don't feel good as I played today, but I'm glad I won,” said Oh.

When OH took the lead with 5-2, San Agustin's consistency fluctuated when Ohs forced her opponent to crawl on the side. But when OH came closer to the victory and the title, stalled. San Agustin used mistakes and casual errors. In her last three games, OH made nine double mistakes, including two that made it possible to break the game 6: 6 and tie the match.

“I think it was probably the nerves and the wind. There is simply nothing on it. I just didn't serve well, “said Oh, adding that she” lost the focus during the game “.

“I saw all my friends in the crowd. My mind held somewhere else, ”she said.

Both players were two games from the championship. Both had a chance of fame.

“I only remembered how much I wanted to keep my series going, so I thought about winning only one point after the other and not thinking so much about the score,” said Oh.

San Agustin served at 6-all-all and stayed 15-40, but the game at Deice has run with a pair of floor stream winners. A sudden death landed on the net of a sudden death from San Agustin.

But with Ohs service game, San Agustin had a strong chance.

The game opened with a double mistake with high nerves. In the next three points, two Baseline errors have set up a double breaking point. But like a real champion, three points from the sealing of the game and the pile of the trophy for the third time, oh closed her opponent and appeared victorious.

“She played really well. So props to you. I am glad to have a good opponent, ”said Oh.