
Ohio man had southern florida teen nude pictures, recruiting friend

A 36-year-old Ohio man was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Friday because he asked explicit pictures of a 14-year-old girl in Südflorida.

According to the district judge in Florida, Adam Gino James Cotte met the minor on the Internet in August 2022, where he communicated with her with her about social media, text messages and video chats.

Cotte instructed the girl to send him naked pictures and videos, and let her recruit her girlfriend, according to criminal investigations.

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The investigation also showed that Cotte was a registered sex offender who was exploited in Ohio in 2020 due to a state crime for children.

In addition to the prison sentence, the district judge Cotte condemned to a life -supervised release with a reimbursement hearing to compensate for his victims set for May.

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