
One day last year | North American Division of Seventh-Tag Adventists

One day in February 2024 an unusual selection of NortH leader of the American division entered the president's office. Representatives included the Ministerininigen, the Vice President, the President's office, the services and industries (ASI) and the communication of Adventist Laymen (ASI). Most did not know what the meeting was about; When looking for the faces, they took their seats.

I was one of the “most”. While we all worked together at some point, I couldn't remember a time that this special group had ever gathered. I was sitting in one of the chairs in the circle and mentally ticked a list of topics. Camporee? Year's meeting? Management council? Every possibility did not quite agree with the meeting; None of my considerations agreed with the meeting topic. And although it was an unfavorable start, a small glans sprouted into something big and exciting.

After prayer and an exchange of courtesy, the leaders searched for President G. Alexander Bryant. “How do you all remember Pentecost?” he asked. Typical answers appeared on the acts 2 account. “What if we did something like that in the NAD? What if we could include all of our churches? What if we concentrated on prayer, public relations and proclamation of the gospel message? “

Simple but profound questions.

A outline was distributed. On page 1, the number of 3,000, which pointed out to the early church, which grew rapidly during the Pentecost on one day of 120 to 3,000 believers.

The fire was illuminated. I scribbled notes. Think. Hear. I was not used to being in a room with so many passionate pastors, and amazed at their ability to articulate not only the topic of pontificate, but also the deep need in the world, in the church, in the members. I am not used to seeing energy, we prayed again. Then we started how the Pentecost 2025 could look in North America. As every member could be involved.

On this day I helped planning the name, the target page, the website, the news, and the call for action. Together we helped explain the words that explain what the department wants to achieve through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It was a good start: “The Pentecost is reminiscent of the call to get involved in the mission and evangelization. This is not just a historical event, but a clarity that begins as seventh day adventers on the eternal gospel in every corner of the earth that is led here in North America. . . . Let us take on the mission with new zeal that announce the unmistakable truths that are entrusted to us and embody the love of Christ in a world that starves after hope and entirety. “

When we marched until 2024, the plans and processes took a firmer form. Training events were added in and by unions, conferences and churches. The division filmed webinars to encourage and prepare members with sessions to hold Bible studies and prayer meetings, carry out Outreach events, prepare for a proclamative evangelistic series and several sessions for prayer. The first NAD Livestream prayer meeting in January 2025 grew from the need to keep prayer as the top priority, and reminds us all that Pentecost is not a “one and finished” event.

Our group has continued to get to know, plan to pray, dream. Although everyone was (and are) insufficient alone, together with God and his Holy Spirit, we recognize that we can change the world.

The “what if?” There are questions. What if we ask humble and sincerely for the expression of the power of the Holy Spirit? What if we continue to do so about the numbers and more about the invitation, the following, do that? What will happen if we allow the transformative grace and transformative power of the Lord work in us?