
Online access to records of the West Virginia Circuit Court will be on March 10 | News, sports, jobs

(Photo illustration – metrocreratveconnection)

Charleston -Circuit Court recordings in all 55 districts of West Virginia will be available to search and online access to the state from March 10th. The state of the state of appeal has announced this week that the West Virginia Public Access search system or WVPass will provide online access to all public documents of the Circuit Court until 1999 on the court's website, Registration for the use of the new system is free of charge, as is the search function. Documents can be downloaded for 25 cents per page and a nominal credit/debit card processing fee for regular public users, according to the court. Lawyers can use the new system to access files for cases where they advise free of charge.
“The court is proud to announce the introduction of this long -awaited system, which will bring in the records of the County Circuit Court into the digital age.” Chief said Justice William R. “Invoice” Wooton. “This start is the highlight of an extended, monumental effort of the administrative office of the Supreme Court, our external seller and the employees of all 55 courthouse in the district. Online access to court files is an essential public service, and I would like to thank all parties to make you committed to make this reality. “
The Circlerk Celeste Ridgway, Circudered Circuit Circuit, said she and her employees have worked towards the efforts since taking office in 2020.
“(I think) Many people will be happy that we have finally come to this point.” she said. Some people contact the office outside the city to check the records and cannot use the public terminal there, said Ridgway. Able to be able to search records online and download them and print them out “A big plus” she said.
“I think that's much more convenient for the public” Said Ridgway. The terminal of public access is still available for people who have no other option to search the records. The online circuit Court Record System follows the start of the court's court file last year. In the near future, an additional recording system for the appeal level for calling is also expected, according to the press release.
“The search system of the WVPass Circuit Courts Records shows the obligation of our court to make the judicial system in West Virginia so transparent and so accessible to the public.” said judge C. Haley Bunn, who has taken over the management of the project for the court in recent years. “From the next month, our citizens can be able to search for and download public civil and law enforcement information, which go back from the convenience of their computer or their mobile unit until the turn of the century.
The new system offers access to publicly available criminal and civil proceedings. The press release said. Submissions among seals and youth cases are not available. Ridgway found that part of the work that your office did is ensured that information that should remain confidential, such as: B. Medical documents in connection with a case are properly reduced. Although the fee of 25 cents per page is lower than the 1 USD per side of the Wood County Circuit Clerk, Ridgway does not expect any effect on your budget, since lawyers already receive copies of cases where they work free of charge. The Supreme Court recorded verticals with i3 to enable access to records of the public circuit court.
Evan Bevins can be reached at