
Ostflorida State College Respiratory Care Program Open House Set on April 9th ​​at the Melbourne Campus

Vent includes interactive, practical laboratory demonstrations and the opportunity to network

The Eastern Florida State College will organize an open house for his atmosphere on Wednesday, April 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on his campus in Melbourne in the 3865 N. Wickham Road in BLDG. 15, room 122 you will receive more details and find the link to registration. (EFSC picture)

Brevard County • Florida – The Ostflorida State College will be organizing an open house for his atmosphere on Wednesday, April 9, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on his campus in Melbourne in the 3865 N. Wickham Road in BLDG. 15, room 122.

The participants receive valuable information about the advantages of a career in the airways and how the nationally accredited program of the EFSC prepares the graduates to be successful.

This personal event includes interactive, practical laboratory demonstrations and the opportunity to network with faculties, current students and occupational therapists.

Get more details and find the link to register.

You can find more information from Lisa Leib, the program manager for breathing programs at 321-433-7598 or at