
Owner of the last video rental business in Pocatello saves part of the collection for 'Christina's Corner'

Pocatello – The last video rental business in Pocatello will continue to live in a small way, only for its most passionate customers.

Although the video stop has stopped all rentals and liquidated most of its collection, owner David Kraning keeps a small part of the films and has transferred them to a hidden corner of its adjacent K&B KWIK-STOP location. He considers these films available for only a small part of his customer base, which have regularly come to the now closed video rental business.

One of these customers is Christina Cavanaugh, who goes to the video with her mother Toni Cavanaugh almost every day. For Christina, 35, who has Down syndrome and is largely non -verbal, it has been of crucial importance for her routine in the past 15 years.

Now that Christina will be able to continue renting films, Toni has the feeling that a weight has been raised from her shoulders.

“It is huge because it was a really difficult thing that weighs me … and then (this) to find out, it is as if you were condemned to prisons and then get exhaustion. It was so much relief, ”said Toni.

Video stop has always been the rental business of the mother and daughter, but they went to others about Pocatello before they all closed. When they had more options, Christina Toni said in which rental business she wanted to go by saying “Babar” for video stop and “Beast” for great American video. This is because she first ordered “Babar: The Movie” from Video Stop and “Beauty and the Beast” by Great American Video.

When the big American video finally closed its doors, Christina didn't understand what had happened.

“She doesn't understand that things are going,” said Toni.

The mother explained that it was closed and signed her that it was broken, but Christina still had to see the building.

“You and I drive over and I let her get out of the car and she rises and there is nothing there and the doors are closed. She still wanted to go in and it is really heartbreaking to watch the fear, ”said Toni.

Christina was able to lose a great American video because she still had her main business in the main support and made it possible for her to maintain her routine, which Toni is “integral” for her.

When new employees started working on the video stop, they trained them in interacting with Christina at the cashier.

“You ask for the telephone number in the account, and so she gives it to you, but she goes” 2 “and looks at her and you have to say:” 2 “, or you won't go on, then she will go,” 0 “. You have to repeat it every time, otherwise it really throws it,” said Toni. “You are really very good to us there.”

Toni had heard that Kraning may have to close a video stop before making it official.

“You had talked about it because it just didn't thrive. I kept thinking: “Oh, maybe only a year, another year for the rest of our lives,” said Toni.

Toni didn't know how she would explain Christina that the video stop was closed.

“I think 'Destroyed on the floor' is a really good description because I thought: 'How should I explain that to her? What will we do? 'It's just a part of her life, ”said Toni.

Kraning knew that the closure of video stop in Toni and Christina's life would cause stress, but it had come to the point where he could no longer keep it open. When he tried to think about a solution, he found that he had a corner of his business, which he originally developed for the DELI storage, but did not rise as he had hoped for.

“This area was unused, and I thought:” Ok, it would not be too terrible work to re -erect her, to take a few shelves and move some of the films and create a kind of mini video business for this child so that she could still have her normal routine that she is used, “said Kraning.

The manager, Jennifer Klassen, said Christina was more than just a customer of employees at K&B KWIK Stop.

“You are family. It is part of their routine and sees all of us. So, yes, she is just a family, ”said classes.

While craning will enable other people to rent videos from the section, they will only trust the people they recognize from whom they know that they can get the film back.

For the first time, Toni heard about the new rental section of a shop employee who aimed at her.

I said, 'Oh, it's Christina's corner.' It is not, but that's what I would call it because he somehow did for her, ”said Toni.

When Toni Kraning saw after seeing the new section, she thanked him to take care of her and Christina.

“How can your heart not melt if you only see how well they take care of people in their community?” she said.

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