
Pancho Villa State Park Host Camp Furlong Day March 8th

US troops invite a Cannon and Pancho Villa troops during the battle. Courtesy

The Hall exhibition of the PANCHO VILLA State Park catches the history of the Pancho Villa Raid and Camp Furlong through various artifacts, including military equipment left behind. Courtesy

NMSP messages:

Columbus – The Pancho Villa State Park will be organized from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from March 8 at Cabalgata Fiesta de Amistad in Columbus, New Mexico, Camp Furlong Day.

“Cabalgata Fiesta de Amistad” means “riding festival of friendship” in English. It honored March 6, 1916, surprise attack on Columbus and Camp Furlong by the Mexican revolutionary Francisco “Pancho” Villa, which performs the US military's punishment to catch it.

The festival offers a horseback parade, a monument and various other events that concentrate on the legacy of the RAID and Camp Furlong, which is now known as a Pancho Villa State Park, and its crucial role in the history of the United States and Mexican history.

“Fiesta de Amistad and Camp Furlong Day are powerful memories of the importance of preserving the inheritance in New Mexico, including our common story with Mexico,” said Melanie A. Kenderdine, name of the cabinet secretary of EMNRD. “Pancho Villa State Park connects the community with this inheritance and ensures that future generations can know and appreciate the events that have shaped our state.”

At Camp Furlong Day, visitors can make guided tours through the park's exhibition hall to explore the history of the region and learn how the camp became State Park. Guest speakers also offer insights into events that have shaped the village of Columbus and the surrounding area.

Event plan:

  • 9 a.m.: Leaded a historical tour through the village of Columbus.
  • 10 a.m.: Professor Glenn Minuth, Cochise College, Douglas, AZ
    “The importance of Coot's Hill in the raid on Columbus”
    Visitors will climb Coot's Hill to find out about his tactical role in RAID and its geological importance. The presentation will cover the planning of the attack on Columbus and Camp Furlong.
  • 1 p.m.: Professor Glenn Minuth, Cochise College, Douglas, AZ
    “At the border with the national guard: Mobilization for the war in 1916”
    Minuth will discuss the role of the National Guard during the 1916 border crisis when President Woodrow Wilson mobilized 150,000 soldiers to prevent the war with Mexico and prepare for the Mexican expedition.
  • 2 p.m.: Vernon Yates, instructor, Fort Bliss Sergeants Major Academy, El Paso, TX
    “Virtual Staff Ride – Columbus Raid”
    This virtual tour is examined on Columbus, the most important characters in the event and the chaos that unfolds during the attack on the city and its residents.

The park offers a large campsite with power supply connections for leisure vehicles. Comfort stations for repairs are currently closed, but the toilets are available near the museum. For more information, see 575,531,2711 or visit Pancho Villa State Park.

Further information on events in the village of Columbus can be found at