
“Paradise” ended Leck's online? Theory becomes viral

Is the ending of “Paradise” already out on Reddit?

The hit Hulu series is the clear front-runner for the best show of 2025. It’s a very complex mystery about the President being murdered, and there’s just one episode left in the first season. It will come out Tuesday.

The internet is fired up following episode seven, which felt like a movie. It was unbelievably dark, unnerving, violent and ominous as we watched a doomsday event unfold.

I couldn’t look away from the TV, and watched the episode several times.

Hell, I was at a bar to watch the Wisconsin/Michigan State game Sunday, and random people overheard my conversation and joined in. The show has turned into a force to be reckoned with, and it’s time for the big reveal to happen.

The final of the first season – “the man who held the secrets” should be an epic ride, and many theories are discussed about who the murderer is. One appeared on Reddit on Monday and it is the most thorough collapse that I have seen so far.

The contribution is in its entirety. Read it and then we will get involved:

“Feel free to sting holes in this theory, but I think there are 3 key players who appear in the final. Here is my lengthy setting:

The murderer – Mike Garcia

The mastermind – Dr. Torabi

“The man who held the secrets” (episode title) – the librarian

Summary: Off-Duty Garcia attacks Cal while he is on the balcony. He is dressed as one of the gardeners. He hits him once and Cal falls or throws the tablet. Garcia doesn't notice this and is looking for the tablet while Cal crawl inside and marks the X on the cigarettes. Garcia cannot find it, hits it again and escapes from the balcony. He is looking for the board outside, but has to correct Presley. Garcia was made by Dr. Torabi sent.

Here is the reason why, starting in the chronological order of events (not necessarily the order of the episodes):

Episode 7:

We hear X Agent Rainey whether Garcia is on the Versailles list. He says he has no idea.

When X talks about getting his wife to the Air Force with Garcia, Garcia is frustrated that she moved Jenkins from her post. Garcia says “I need her” and that she coordinates the helicopter. “

I don't think Garcia should go to the bunker, but Jenkins helps him to give himself. First indication that Garcia may be upset. It could also explain why his DNA was not in the system, provided that we believe Sinatra

Not related to the theory, but interesting:

When X approaches Garcia, he watches a tikok from someone who shows his bunker bracelet. He comments that his sister “got hers a week ago”. If this event was quite sudden, how did some people get their government bracelets issued by the government a week before the tsunami?

We also see on his computer screen that someone speculates that there is also a bunker in the northern Alps

Episode 1

Brooks & Rainey had the area layer on the night of murder. Billy had the interior shift. Garcia used to be on duty that day and brought Pozale. Garcia knew that he would eat the Pozale because he is familiar with Billy's tendency to eat everything in the fridge, like a “dirty animal”, but also knows that “he has the stomach of a 14 -year -old amish girl”.

While he initially checked the surveillance material with X, Garcia mentions that X and the President spoke for a long time. Then he says “this type (the president) only told me 4 words since I came down here.” Another reference to his feelings about the president.

When X asked who was on the premises that night, Garcia mentioned that it was “only the usual – the gardeners and we”. He expressly demands that the gardeners were on site, as if it were a completely usual place where they are there after dark.

When checking the ligaments a second time with X Garcia points out that Billy falls asleep and someone is making the video. Garcia knows that Billy and Jane tend to do this and give him a window for attack. Garcia knew that his Pozale or her, as you play, would keep him unable or distracted enough to give him time.

Garcia then explains “Cameras come back online at 12:13 p.m. He emphasized the coffee as strange to me. As if I try to establish an alibi in a café or something

Then he points to Jane because he didn't notice anything because she is “a little young and a little inexperienced”. He easily leads the attention of himself to Billy and Jane

Like surveillance technology, Garcia sees everything, sees everything. He knows where the blind camera stains are. He knows the other agents patrol routes and their behavior patterns. Nobody has a better chance than Garcia.

Episode 6

We find out that Garcia was in the Navy Seals for 5 years. He is more sporty and qualified than you would expect from surveillance technology

In this episode we also see the gardener who flees in front of the scene. Garcia may have searched for the tablet in the bushes, but was frightened by Presley. He would have known how to avoid the patrol police officer, but Presley was a wild card

Dr. Torabi

We know that it is invested in the success of the city as well as Sinatra. It only wants stability. We know that she is a therapist. In Episode 3 she explains X that he stumbled into her office in his bathrobe. She knows that he will dissolve and maybe mentions that he will reveal some destabilizing information to the public. She needs the tablet to understand what Cal knows.

The librarian

He was a little suspicious from the start. Cal is in the library on the day of his murder, and when Jeremy is there days later, he says: “I appreciate that you take advantage of this place, most people never foot here.” But his father had been there. Why wouldn't the librarian say anything? Then he encourages Jeremy to check the exhibition on “Bunker Design”.

I think the librarian stumbled on the notebook on the left and now knows everything. According to the knowledge of the 6 -digit number, which Cal Left is a Dewey decimal number, X will go to the library, read the journal and be directed at the librarian's exhibition “Bunker Design”, as Jeremy was. It is revealed that there is a kind of explosion explosive in the dome if you have to evacuate or protect against an invasion. This was planned in Episode 6 when Rainey said: “You tell me that we stowed here somewhere near RPGs?”

In the final trailer we see Xavier staring at something in the library, and also an explosion outside the dome. So you will probably flee to find Xavier's wife.

In any case, this could be wrong in any respect. I still thought I would share it because I haven't mentioned anyone of Garcia. We will see very soon! “

Now I want to say that I have no insider information at all. I am like the rest of you in the dark and enjoy the journey.

However, I will say that the above theory to make the waves online appears quite bulletproof. I find no defects or obvious holes on the surface.

Garcia, who is the murderer, is not only possible, but also in view of the access that he had to the president's residence.

The theory also explains perfectly why Garcias DNA was not in the system if he was not an original Versailles member.

There is also a common theory that I have seen online that it is Marsha, Cals secretary. This is a big route for me. We know that she was horrified to be left behind in the evacuation. But she is a secretary. We have to believe that she somehow survived the Doomsday event *AND* Then turned into a kind of operator to break into the bunker.

I am ready to buy myself in many theories, but the idea secretary is somehow able to murder the president within a secret bunker, seems to be a damn good route.

The Garcia theory certainly makes a lot more sense. I am also fascinated by the angle that the librarian secretly put together information and learned the truth. He subtly hung up in the background without the audience noticing it.

Will the theory turn out to be correct? Will it be wrong? We will find out on Tuesday, but it is difficult to see many holes in it on the surface. The Reddit user deserves a beer if he could find out in front of the rest of the world. This requires some serious skills. In any case, I will be closed and invited on Tuesday to see how everything unfolds. Beat me with your theories